Stephanie Woerner
Research Scientist
MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research
Speaker/Panelist 2021, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2022 ()
Building an Enterprise for the World Ahead (Episode #5) (2021)
Building the Next-Generation Enterprise (2020)
Stephanie Woerner is a Research Scientist at the Center for Information Systems Research (CISR) at the MIT Sloan School of Management. She is an expert on how companies use technology and data to create more effective business models and her research centers on how companies manage organizational change caused by the digitization of the economy. Ms. Woerner has a passion for measuring hard-to-assess digital factors such as connectivity and customer experience, and linking them to firm performance. Recent articles (with Peter Weill) include “Thriving in an Increasingly Digital Ecosystem,” (named the top article by SMR in 2015) “Is Your Company Ready for a Digital Future?”, and “Does Your C-Suite Have Enough Digital Smarts,” in Sloan Management Review. She is the coauthor, with Peter, of What’s Your Digital Business Model? Six questions to help you build the next generation enterprise, (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).