Anton Teodorescu, SM ‘85

Innovation Showcase Chair

MIT Sloan CIO Symposium

Symposium Roles
Innovation Showcase Team Member 2022 (Co-chair), 2020 (Co-chair), 2019 (Co-chair), 2018 (Co-chair), 2017 (Co-chair), 2016 (Co-chair)

Anton is an Advisor and co-founder of Blue Danube Laboratories, a start-up committed to revolutionize the wireless transmission industry. Prior to this, he made a career with IBM for over 23 years, first in Sales and Marketing, then Global Services as a Consultant and Principal. He then joined IBM’s Venture Capital Group and worked closely with the Venture Capital community in New England, as well as their portfolio companies in a strategic Business Development role. He facilitated linkages between start-up companies with promising solutions or technologies, with the different parts of IBM that could best leverage them for mutual benefit, leading to several strategic partnerships and acquisitions. Anton holds a B.A. Degree in Engineering and Applied Science from Harvard College, a Master’s Diploma in Computer Science from Cambridge University, UK, and an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

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