Mastering Talent & Learning in Today’s Digital Ecosystems

May 23, 2022
2:45 pm - 3:45 pm
Wong (EDT)

Suman Thareja, McKinsey & Company

When it comes to today’s talent challenges, the Great Resignation is not the real story. It’s just one more straw on the camel’s back of change. Technologies like machine learning, cloud, and containers drive the need for new skills. Increased talent competition makes it difficult to retain your good people. Demographic changes and retirements add fuel to the fire. How can IT leaders find, grow, and retain the talent that their organizations need? What types of partnerships, non-traditional sourcing and other innovative approaches are useful? How can organizations work together to jointly find solutions at the ecosystem level? Join us to hear how a panel of leading executives are managing the talent and learning challenge in their organizations.

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